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Scientific  Method  combination

Monday - Saturday

Times vary

Grades 4 and up

Max 30 students

NGSS Connections (Science Content Standards Set by CA Sate Education Board for Public Schools) 

Check individual program pages for direct NGSS connections

or download MSI's NGSS Correlations Chart

Inland Voyages

Discovery Voyage

Marsh and Beach Exploration

Tidepool Expedition 

Scientific Method Combination Pricing

Contact for pricing

*Sliding scale available depending on need.

All school programs are automatically subsidized. Our development team works hard to secure funds for teachers. If you need additional financial assistance please contact us. We may be able to offer extra scholarships.

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Forms and Information

Take an in-depth look at the scientific method and practice applying it utilizing real life, hands-on, field research. The Scientific Method Combo program is a multiple-exposure program that combines a field trip and two in-class visits (“Inland Voyages”) which build upon each other to deepen students’ experiences and create opportunities for cross-cutting between concepts. Over the course of these experiences, students gain a more concrete understanding of the scientific process by actively participating in all steps of a scientific experiment.


During every pre-visit students are introduced to the scientific method. They learn about a habitat, observe live animals and artifacts from that habitat, form a question, create a hypothesis, and learn the skills needed to collect scientific data. Students venture out to collect data, which is analyzed during the post-field trip visit in the classroom; students review the data they collected to create a graph, interpret their findings, and present their conclusions to the class. 

There are three habitats in which classes conduct different research projects. Select your habitat for your program.

*Some programs are also offered as stand-alone experiences. For more information, visit the School/Group Programs page.

Discovery Voyage on the San Francisco Bay

The Discovery Voyage program focuses on the fish populations in San Francisco Bay. Students gain a sense of connection to this habitat and understand patterns of change that influence life in the bay.

In-class visit #1:  Bay Fish Inland Voyage -1 hour (each presentation* – up to 30 students)

Students prepare to study fish populations by gaining background information and practicing identification and measuring procedure using live fishes. They complete the first steps of the scientific method: question, research, and hypothesis

Field trip: Discovery Voyage -- 4 hours (up to 30 students)

Collect data and explore the San Francisco estuary on a four-hour expedition aboard our research vessel, the Robert G. Brownlee. Students rotate through 3 stations to learn valuable scientific skills and observe different types of life, including benthic invertebrates, plankton, and fishes. To continue their research project, students catch fishes using a trawl and take data according to the procedure practiced during the first in-class visit. This part of the program completes the hypothesis testing/data collection/experiment/procedure part of the scientific method.

In-class visit #2:  Analysis Inland Voyage – 1 hour (each presentation* – up to 30 students)

In the culminating experience, Marine Science Institute instructors return to the classroom to lead students in analyzing the data collected during their Discovery Voyage. Students develop graphs to represent their data and make presentations to their classmates, completing the scientific method with data analysis, conclusion, and communication.

Marsh & Beach Exploration of Pescadero Beach

The Marsh and Beach Scientific Method Combo program focuses on wrack line composition( what washes onto the coast?). Through data-collection and analysis students not only better understand the scientific method, but also discuss human impact on this ecosystem.

In-Class Visit #1:  Sandy Beach Inland Voyage  – 1 hour (each presentation* – up to 30 students)

Students study live animals and artifacts from a sandy beach and learn about features of this habitat. They prepare to collect data at the beach and complete the first steps of the scientific method: question, research, and hypothesis.

Field Trip:  Marsh and Beach Exploration at Pescadero State Beach – 2.5 hours (up to 60 students)

Students follow the procedure and apply skills and knowledge from their first in-class visit to collect data at Pescadero State Beach. They also explore the marsh with binoculars and guidebooks to bird-watch and identify indigenous & invasive flora of California's coastline. Students gain an understanding of the formation and interactions between beaches, marshes while completing the hypothesis testing/data collection/experiment part of the scientific method.

In-Class Visit #2:  Analysis Inland Voyage – 1 hour (each presentation* – up to 30 students)

In the culminating experience, Marine Science Institute instructors return to the classroom to lead students in analyzing the data collected during their field trip. Students develop graphs to represent their data and make presentations to their classmates, completing the scientific method with data analysis, conclusion, and communication.

Tidepool Expedition at Pillar Point, HMB

The Tidepool Expedition Scientific Method Combo program allows students an opportunity to explore and survey the biodiversity in the tidepools. Students gain a better understanding of the habitat and its communities by studying the tidal zonation of species.

In-Class Visit #1:  Rocky Shore Inland Voyage - 1 hour (each presentation* – up to 30 students)

Students study adaptations of live animals and artifacts from the tidepools, and learn about features of this habitat. They prepare to collect data with a practice transect, and complete the first steps of the scientific method: question, research, and hypothesis.

Field Trip: Tidepool:  Expedition at Pillar Point - 2.5 hours (up to 60 students)

Students collect data along transects through the different zones of Pillar Point’s tide pools following the procedure and applying skills and knowledge from their first in-class visit. As they take data, students encounter many different creatures, many of which are safe to handle with the guidance of Marine Science Institute staff. While exploring the tidepools, students complete the hypothesis testing/data collection/experiment/procedure part of the scientific method.

In-Class Visit #2:  Analysis Inland Voyage – 1 hour (each presentation* – up to 30 students)

In the culminating experience, Marine Science Institute instructors return to the classroom to lead students in analyzing the data collected during their field trip. Students develop graphs to represent their data and make presentations to their classmates, completing the scientific method with data analysis, conclusion, and communication.

Marine Science Institute needs your support. Creating affordable, high quality, and engaging curriculum is only possible because of our amazing donors. Join our cause and make your tax-deductible donation today!

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500 Discovery Parkway

Redwood City, CA 94063

Tel: (650)364-2760

Click here for directions

Inspiring respect and stewardship for the marine environment through hands-on adventure learning

Thank you to our current grantors who have supported us with more than $25,000

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