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Monday - Saturday

50 minute classroom visit
4 hours on ship

Grades 5 and up

Max 30 students

NGSS Connections (Science Content Standards Set by CA Sate Education Board for Public Schools) 

Biomimicry Pricing

September - February Pricing:

$1,850 - 3,000* per trip for up to 45 students.

March - August Pricing: 

$2,050 - 3,000* per trip for up to 45 students.

$199 per classroom visit for up to 30 students plus $1.25/mile mileage fee.

$50 Fuel surcharge per trip.

*Sliding scale available depending on need.

All school programs are automatically subsidized. Our development team works hard to secure funds for teachers. If you need additional financial assistance please contact us. We may be able to offer extra scholarships.

Click here to start the additional sponsorship process.

Forms and Information

Biomimicry is the practice of taking inspiration from nature to create solutions to meet human needs in a sustainable way. MSI offers 2 programs (in-classroom or aboard our 90' research vessel) that introduce this concept and encourage students to apply it in critical thinking, problem solving, and design. Through hands-on observation of live animals, students learn how to identify and analyze adaptations that can be mimicked to solve human challenges.

The Discovery Voyage Biomimicry Program includes an in-class introductory visit and a voyage aboard Marine Science Institute’s research vessel. In the classroom students are introduced to biomimicry and practice identifying adaptations and functions by interacting with live animals. During the 4 hour voyage students find inspiration by studying the plankton, invertebrates, and fishes using scientific methods and tools.


The culmination of this program is a final design challenge. This challenge requires students to apply their knowledge of adaptations to creating sustainable solutions for an imaginary research station. They design elements that address mobility, energy, waste management, and other requirements. The students’ final designs are completed in small teams, and presented to the class.  

Marine Science Institute needs your support. Creating affordable, high quality, and engaging curriculum is only possible because of our amazing donors. Join our cause and make your tax-deductible donation today!

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500 Discovery Parkway

Redwood City, CA 94063

Tel: (650)364-2760

Click here for directions

Inspiring respect and stewardship for the marine environment through hands-on adventure learning

Thank you to our current grantors who have supported us with more than $25,000

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Marine Science Institute is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. Federal Tax ID# 94-1719649

© 2024 All Rights Reserved  

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