Monday - Saturday
2.5 hours
Grades 4 and up
Max 60 students
NGSS Connections (Science Content Standards Set by CA Sate Education Board for Public Schools)
4th - 5th Grade Disciplinary Core Idea's (DCI):
6th - 8th Grade DCI's:
Ocean Lab Pricing
2.5 Hour Program (5 stations)
September - February Pricing
$685* - up to 30 students - 3 instructors
$810* - 31 to 45 students - 4 instructors
$935* - 46 to 60 students - 5 instructors
At School
2.5 Hour Program (5 stations)
There is an additional fuel surcharge of $1.25/mile for at school Ocean Labs
March - August Pricing:
$735* - up to 30 students - 3 instructors
$860* - 31 to 45 students - 4 instructors
$985* - 46 to 60 students - 5 instructors
*Sliding scale available depending on need.
All school programs are automatically subsidized. Our development team works hard to secure funds for teachers. If you need additional financial assistance please contact us. We may be able to offer extra scholarships.
Click here to start the additional sponsorship process.
Forms and Information
Students learn from marine biologists how to think like scientists, brainstorm with their classmates, and make detailed observations by examining organisms from the rocky intertidal ecosystem. During an Ocean Lab program, students apply the scientific method and use tools such as identification keys and a squid dissection to explore five phyla of marine animals: Arthropoda, Mollusca, Cnidaria, Echinodermata, and Chordata*. As they learn about these creatures and their ecology, students are inspired to respect and protect local marine ecosystems.
The Ocean Lab program can be adapted to different grade levels to cover basic concepts or more advanced content depending on your class needs. Although designed to stand alone, this program is an excellent supplement to field study programs such as our Discovery Voyage or Tidepool Expedition.
A modified Ocean Lab is also offered as an Inland Voyage—a program for which live animals are brought into the classroom (this excludes the squid dissection).
*For more information about these phyla and about this program, please review the Teacher’s Guide.