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under 5
Under the

sea with me

Monday - Saturday

60 Minutes
per session

Ages 3 -5 yo

Max 20 students

Under the Sea with Me is the perfect marine animal introduction for tiny scientists aged 3 – 5.  Littles spend each program exploring different sea creatures. Lessons are designed to connect curricula using animal exploration, reading, and crafts. Each session covers a different animal and habitat, helping young learners make connections and reinforces introductory concepts.

Under 5 Under the Sea with Me

60 minute programs

Can book up to 3 sessions per day

Can accommodate up to 20 students per session

Must have 2 adults per 10 students


At your location:

$595-600/base price for 1-3 programs
plus travel fee of $1.25/mile 

Session Topic Options

Rocky Shore (ages 3-5)

Students focus on the rocky shore and the animals that live in the tidepool habitat. They handle live invertebrates (for example snails, mussels, etc.), create a rocky shore animal craft, and enjoy a rocky shore themed story.

Crabs (ages 3-5)

Students focus on the crabs that live in local waters. They handle live crabs, create a crab craft, and enjoy a crab themed story.

Fish (ages 4-5)

Students focus on fish that live in local waters. They touch live fish, create a fish craft, and enjoy a fish themed story.

Sharks (ages 4-5)

Students focus on sharks that live in local waters. They touch a live leopard shark and shark artifacts, create a shark craft, and enjoy a shark themed story.

Marine Mammals (ages 4-5)

Students focus on marine mammals that live in local waters. They touch marine mammal artifacts, create a marine mammal craft, and enjoy a marine mammal themed story.

Forms and Information

Marine Science Institute needs your support. Creating affordable, high quality, and engaging curriculum is only possible because of our amazing donors. Join our cause and make your tax-deductible donation today!

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500 Discovery Parkway

Redwood City, CA 94063

Tel: (650)364-2760

Click here for directions

Inspiring respect and stewardship for the marine environment through hands-on adventure learning

Thank you to our current grantors who have supported us with more than $25,000

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Marine Science Institute is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. Federal Tax ID# 94-1719649

© 2024 All Rights Reserved  

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